These are my choices these days. Do I eat breakfast first and run later? Quick smoothie and quicker run? Hills or speed? Choices choices.
This weekend I didn't bother choosing --I just did a little of everything. Yesterday, I was already tired from the very little sleep I manage on a good day, but I still picked up a friend, did a 70 minute silks class, went home to pick up the dogs and then hit Fountainhead for 10 miles on the trail. By this morning I felt like hell and I couldn't decide which trail to run or whether to go back to sleep. PHT is generally my go-to trail for 6 milers, but last weekend more than half of the trail was washed out by the Potomac and I didn't want to chance it. So I compromised (going back to sleep wasn't ever really an option), strapped on the Kinvaras and started my run at my front door. It was a bit of a cheat since I'm meant to do trails on weekends, but I still covered my mileage and was able to get to dance class on time.
My delts are pleasantly sore from TRXing on Friday and from aerial silks practice Saturday...AND my House dance practice is still a little klutzy but I feel better about my progress every week. Everything worked out this weekend (sort of), but I really need to find balance if I want to be able to continue.