Monday, November 24, 2008

JFK 46

Saturday, November 22 was the 46th running of the JFK 50 Miler and my first 50 miler. My biggest concern before the race was hitting all the elimination points in time, but soon after the first cut off I realized that I didn't need to worry at all. Somewhere between the first and fourth aid stations I made up enough time to remain in the race and to become an official finisher. Kurt was an excellent support crew of one, I survived without frostbite, dehydration or blisters! I'm pleased, but I'm also already mentally working out what I can do differently/better next time.

Yep, next time.


Dr. Marc and Tanya said...

Way to go! Big Ups! First 50 thats real big accomplishment! Marc and Tanya .

CurvyVegan said...

Thanks Marc and Tanya. I had absolutely no lofty goals for this one--just wanted to be an official finisher so mission accomplished. :)

Dr. Marc and Tanya said...

So what is next :)